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Possible Solution to the Plastic Problem 

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         Due to their durability and stubborn resistance to degradation, plastic accumulation has been an environmental issue for many years now. And while efforts are being made to cut down on the use of these substances, there is still a main concern: what will be done with all the plastic that is already out there? Chemists and biologists recently united to study a possible answer to this problem. Such solution would lie on the resources already provided to us by nature, but perhaps not in the way one might expect. 



      It is no mystery by now that plastic pollution is among the responsible factors for the ever-increasing list of endangered marine animals worldwide. However, there are some creatures who have managed to defy the odds and do something previously unheard of: eat and digest plastics (without dying in the process). According to Melissa Breyer's article, a team of biologists in Spain came upon the startling discovery of the Galleria mellonella  moth larvae's digestive power. Commonly known as waxworms, these moths, at least during their caterpillar stage of life, contain enzymes in their digestive system that allow them to break down polyethylene (found in most plastic bags) and convert it into a completely safe and biodegradable substance. This bizarre ability is attributed to the waxworm's taste for honeycomb, which, just like plastic, is itself composed of polymers. Recently, other species such as mealworms (larvae of the darkling beetle) and even a type of  bacteria have been found to be capable of consuming Styrofoam and polyethene, respectively, although at a much smaller rate than the waxworm. However, the solution to the plastic crisis is not to dumb some worms into landfills across the world (this might end up bringing along many more problems than solutions). Biologist Federica Bertocchini  and her team, along with other biologists and chemists from the United Kingdom have already begun the process of isolating the enzyme responsible for breaking down plastic in waxworms and modifying it to increase its effects, with promising results. 

















       The second unit examined in SCH4U was Organic Chemistry, which deals with chemicals involving Carbon, their properties,the methods to define different compounds and, of course, polymerization. Polymerization describes the process through which the much simpler monomers come together to form very long chains of themselves, creating a polymer. Curiously enough, polymers take a wide variety of forms, from the resistant plastics described above to the proteins in our bodies. In fact, one of the topics discussed in this unit dealt with the properties of plastics and how to reduce their environmental impact - therefore, this article directly correlates with this unit. 






Figure 1: Galleria mellonella in its larval stages

Figure 2: Waxworm eating a piece of polyethene.

       In the article, the scientists involved were described as straightforward chemists and biologists. However, there is a career that purposely blurs the line between these two: biochemistry. This career, as the name suggests, deals with the understanding of living beings, but rather than behavioural studies and physical observations, subjects are examined at the microscopic level, involving the cells of animals or their genetic makeup, to name but a few. The study of bacteria, archaea and viruses would naturally fall into the hands of biochemists as well. Starting in high school, taking the chemistry and biology courses is critical, and although physics is not the exact focus of this career, it would help as well if one wishes to specialize in areas such as ophthalmology (the study of optics and eyes). Once at the university stage, biochemistry courses are offered throughout most universities in Canada, such as the Ottawa, Carleton and McGill universities. With a bachelor degree in this topic one can immediately pursue a myriad of jobs and careers; anything from becoming a field researcher, pharmacist, zoologist, geneticist and even doctor or professor is possible (if pursuing the proper post-bachelor degree). As well, due to all of the skills learned in most biochemistry program, pursuing a career outside of the sciences is entirely feasible, such as trades and accounting. 

Figure 3: Symbol associated with Biochemists.

Figure 4: Blood culturing is a common job among young biochemists. 

          Maud Leona Menten was an influential Canadian biochemist who broke barriers during her career. Menten was born in Harrison Mills, British Columbia. In 1904, she obtained a bachelor degree in Biochemistry in the University of Toronto, followed by a master's degree for which she studied the distribution of chloride compounds in nerve cells. She eventually went to what is now the Rockefeller University of New York to research the ways in which radium compounds could help fight cancerous tumours in rats. However, Menten ended up coming back to the University of Toronto, where earned a degree in medical studies, and became one of the first Canadian women to do so. However, one of her greatest accomplishments came later on, when she, along with fellow scientist Leonor Michaelis, developed Michaelis-Menten hypothesis. This hypothesis, in summary, explains that the velocity of a reversible enzymatic reaction is directly proportional with the amount of substrate available for the reaction, for which the equation devised is V = VM[S] / KM + [S], in which VM represents maximal reaction velocity and KM is the Michaelis constant. Some time after this, Menten came back to the United States to complete her PhD in Biochemistry in 1916, and afterwards went back to studying the effects of cancer, until she was forced to retire due to health issues in 1954, She passed away in July of 1960, in Ontario. Throughout her career, Maud Menten reached many achievements that greatly increased our understanding of various fields of science, namely histochemistry (studies involving the dying or stained cells and other microscopic organisms). However, as she is most renowned for the equation/hypothesis devised by her and Michaelis, it could be said that her work deals mostly with the Equilibrium unit of the SCH4U course, as this part of her research involves the understanding of reversible reactions and catalysts, which were discussed extensively throughout this unit. It could also be said that her work would also fit under the Organic Chemistry unit, as most of her early carrier involved the research of compounds found living beings, enzymes, immunization, pathogens and the such. Her most important achievement for today's world was opening the path for modern histochemistry, which is key to the vast majority of medical, chemical and biological research today. 

Today's feature: Commemorating Dr. Maud Menten

Figure 5: Doctor Maud Menten

Careers that relate to this article

Through the passage of time, there have been many great scientist such as Doctor Menten who have broken barriers on what was previously thought to be impossible. Perhaps the solution to our plastic problem lies in the ingenious mind of someone in our generation that will has yet to discover their full potential.

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